Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Day of School!!!!

Kathe is officially school age! She had her first day at big kid school - Boise Eliot School on Friday. We met her new teacher, Ms. Phillips on Wednesday and two days later she was in her uniform and ready to go. She will be in school Monday through Friday from 8:40 to 3pm learning all kinds of cool stuff! This will be her educational home for the next 10 years! Boise-Eliot is a pre-K through 8, so she will be here until she starts high school in 2018! Here she is looking cute as a button and showing her school colors.

Kathe was super lucky to have a very special friend walk her to school on Friday - DR. RAINBOW!!! He flew in special from Philadelphia with his full on rainbow suit and harmonica. Here they are getting ready to head down the street.
Oh... and there they go, down Monroe street. What a great way to start the school year, and you can bet those other kids were way jealous!!!! Dr. Rainbow got lots of surprised looks from parents, teachers and students (not to mention a few TriMet bus riders), but the best reaction was from an older lady who saw him at Grand Central Bakery after we dropped Kathe off. She told him he looked great (natch), but also made sure he understood that he could (and probably should) get a version of his hat in green so that he would be prepared for St. Patrick's Day!

As you can imagine the first day of Boise-Eliot was preceded by Kathe's last day at Pocketsfull of Posies - the daycare and pre-school that has been her home away from home for the last 4 years! We were sad to day good-bye, but only a little b/c Ike will be there for the next 2 years. The kids gave Kathe a big send off. Here they all are below. The girl to the left of Kathe is her BFF Evie. They have been in school together since they were 6 months old and they will both be at Boise-Eliot too. Conceivably, by the time they graduate high school they will have gone to school together for 18 years (just about their entire lives!)

Ike hasn't been up to much other than ruining our sleep, speaking in complete sentences (holy cow!), pinching everyone he loves and singing songs - other than that he's a pretty boring kid. Here he is showing Jordan his cross over moves on the keys.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bye Bye Summer

We've been so lucky to have had a really fantastic summer here in Portland. While we're sad to see it end, we definitely said "Good-bye" to summer '08 with a bang - Maia and Jason got married. We had a crazy busy weekend - wedding, cocktail party, brunch and lots of hang out time with Beth, Jeff and Jordan who came in for a quick visit. No one was more exited about the wedding than Kathe! Look how pretty she looked in her new pink dress, braids and sparkly flip flops.

Check out Kathe's moves on the dance floor. Here she is mixin' it up with her Pops! (note the change in footwear)

Here Jason, Jeff and Jordan enjoying their Eggs Benedict.

We had so much fun with Beth, Jeff and Jordan - WE REALLY MISS THEM!!!! Here are some more fun shots with them!

Jordan teaching Ike how to play chess,

Grammy and the kiddos. Check out Jordan's cool specs....

In other news...

Our cute little Ike got a nice new haircut, we even had to get him some product to rub into it. On the flip side he has been exasperating his Mommy and Daddy by waking them up in the middle of the night demanding milk. Through most of the summer we've obliged him b/c it was only once a night, well this weekend he kicked it into high gear - 4 times. Moms even had to take a nap on Sunday afternoon. So, we bit the bullet and started the Ferberization process once again. So, last night he cried and cried and called for us for 3 hours (12 to 3 to be exact). Once he drifted off, Kathe was up peddling snake oil. Once we got her back to bed, Ike was up at 6am. Aryne finally relented and gave him some milk so that she could get more than 30 minutes of uninterrupted sleep. At 7:30 Ike was up and raring to go, like he'd slept 12 hours straight. A morning spa appointment and an afternoon of napping was in order for Moms and Pops, but alas we had to work so no rest for the weary. So, please just don't get us started on the Republican convention....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Backyard Fun

We have had some very lovely summer weather lately and our backyard is a great place to hang out. Check out Jason churning the compost and Kathe climbing in the tree.

We are doing lots of urban farming this year. We've had a lot of lettuce, peas, green beans, blueberries and herbs. Now the corn and tomatoes are starting to look edible. When Ike sees the tomatoes he says, "APPLES!" and tries to pick them. Corn on the other hand really does look like corn especially in the photo below. Not quite ready to eat and who knows if it will taste good. We can always turn it into chicken feed.

Our neighbors planted a beautiful trumpet vine on their side of the fence, problem is all of the flowers bloomed on our side. Good for us, bummer for them.

Not wanting to post without including a photo of the boy, here is Ike munching on some cheese...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Keep on bloggin'

I'm trying, really I am! This blogging biz is a lot of work. I don't know how those millions of bloggers out there do it. I mean ya gotta take the photos, ya gotta upload and edit them. Then ya have to think of something snappy to say! And, besides is anybody reading this blog anyway? Sheesh!!!!

Well, the latest news is that Moms is taking a photography class. So she's actually learning how to use that fancy digital camera and even develop her photos on the computer. Her favorite subjects, of course are Kathe and Isaac (see below).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back on the horse (literally)

We heard you missed us, you really really missed us so we are back by popular demand. We know you can't get enough of us Blumklotz folk, so we are back in the saddle and ready to regale you with the details of our lives. Since you haven't heard from us since the beginning of 2008 there is a lot of catching up to do. How 'bout we just give you the summer highlights. The photo above is of Beth and Kathe in Sunriver, a beautiful resort community in Central Oregon. We spent a week there celebrating Grammy's 70th birthday. One of the highlights, as you can imagine was the horses!!!! If you ever get the chance to talk to Ike on the phone his favorite thing to say is, "Big horsies, Sunriver, black one..." Is pretty cute...

Here we all are in beautiful Sunriver!

After Sunriver we returned to Portland to celebrate two special birthdays - Ike's and America's. Here are Ike, Kathe and Jason getting the cupcakes ready.

Here is the birthday boy enjoying his cake!

Out here in the Wild West it is not only legal for regular folks to set off fireworks, it is encouraged and Monroe St did not want to miss out on the fun. Here are Jason and Jordan getting ready to ignite our arsonal of dangerous and frightening fireworks.

Even small children are allowed to play with fire in Portland! Check out Kathe with her sparklers! She was a little nervous at first (see photo w/ Grammy below), but once she got the hang of it here was no stopping her!

Later on all the neighborhood kiddos (the Monroe St Mafia) came over with glowy sticks. Since it was still pretty light outside, Jason took them all to the bathroom to see if the glowy sticks really worked!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Smiling Ike

Some readers of this blog think that Ike is a sad little guy because there are so few photos of him smiling. "Au contrare," we say. Nothing could be further from the truth! Not only is he the cutest little boy in the world, he is also the happiest as evidenced by the following photos. See for yourself!

Here is Ike yukkin' it up at Kathe's birthday party...

Here's something that always makes Ike happy, BALLOONS!!!!

Finally here he is laughing and smiling with one of his favorite people, Grampy!

See, he really is a happy little guy!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Grammy's Birthday

We ended our holiday season with Grammy Joyce's 70th Birthday Celebration on December 30th. She insisted that she didn't want a party, but we couldn't resist. Here she is on her special day.

Here are Beth, Jordan and Kathe making extra special cornbread to go with Grammy's birthday chili.

Here's is Grammy's beautiful birthday cake!

And finally, here are shots from her rockin' party! Ike really loved Grammy's balloons. He calls them "boons" and he loves to play with them, even while he's eating.

Here's Kathe giving us her superstar smile!

Kathe and Auntie Mel!

The Williams Family!

Happy Birthday Grammy - we love you!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy Holidays - Part 2

Christmas around here is a VERY big deal. The Blumklotzs (and the Williams) go all out. This year we extended the holiday as long as possible and yet we still managed to get Grammy's decorations put away and her tree recycled just after the New Year. I know much less busy families who still have all their lights up and it's already the 5th!

Here are Jason and the kiddos on Christmas morning. They are dancing and singing because they're so excited to go to Grammy's and open their presents!

After a delicious meal with the whole family we spent most of the day opening presents. As mentioned in our last post we got this fantastic camera. Kathe got a way cool bike. Here she is riding around the neighborhood with Jordan. See it doesn't rain here all the time. In fact we even got a little snow on Christmas!Not to be outdone by big sis, Ike got some cool gifts too. Including a real drum (not a toy one). It turns out that he is a real music lover like his daddy. He often stands next to the stereo and shouts "more, more" meaning, put on some more music so that I can get down and boogie. He loves to bang away on it (so does Kathe as evidenced by the photo below).
A few days after Christmas Bryan and Melissa invited us over for a holiday party.We had lots of fun playing with their Wii , watching Frosty the Snowman, eating, juggling and harrassing the pugs (Ike especially liked that last part).

Here are Jason and his lil' sis Beth enjoying each others' company.

Jeff posing with the nutcrackers.

Grammy and Jordan.

Beth and Jordan, adorable as always!

Maia enjoying Ike's company while he wonders if she is trying to steal his ball.

Kathe decorating the mini tree